Face to Face with Fear
Published on March 26, 2017.
Written by Chad Timblin.
Facing one’s fears directly seems to be the most effective way to transcend them. One can discern this truth through direct experience, as well as from the testimony of others.
Of course, confronting fears head on without resorting to psychological defenses is no easy task. Sometimes we are forced to face our fears when challenging experiences enter our lives. We can also choose to intentionally face our fears by putting ourselves in situations that cause us to directly deal with our various fear-based aversions. Regardless of the reason one comes to face one’s fears, facing them directly with courage and detachment is the only way to ultimately overcome them.
Ramana Maharshi and Dada Gavand were two highly conscious beings who each experienced powerful confrontations of their fears which led to breakthroughs in consciousness. Their inspiring stories of facing fear are linked below:

Ramana Maharshi and Dada Gavand’s stories affirm the efficacy of facing fears head on. Everyone has the innate ability to rise to meet the challenge of confronting and overcoming fear.
Where do fears exist? They exist in one’s mind as mental and emotional imaginations. They are reactions to perceived threats that are kept alive by the habit of taking them seriously. They do not exist outside of one’s mind. The challenge is to patiently observe the inner workings of one’s own mind with detachment until direct understanding leads to the dissolution of fear attachments / habits. The mind needs to turn in on itself so to speak.